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The Portesbery Pathfinders.

During the Spring Term, Portesbery School 16+ class led by Tracey Haigh have been our pathfinder school. They attended on a Monday and participated in all the forest school elements, enjoying the mud kitchen and hammocks. They were the very first to use our fire pit for toasting marshmallows and making hot chocolate. It was lovely to see the young people become more relaxed and confident in our outdoor setting.

"The use of the field means that the students are able to explore the outdoors in an unhurried and safe manner. It has been a fantastic opportunity to do Forest School type sessions where they can choose what to do with reduced guidance and support which is so lovely and really helps their independence. Being out of school also means we can do all of these things without having an impact on other classes. Staff enjoyed the session despite being worried initially and could see the benefits to the students. Some adults are afraid to do outdoor activities and sessions, but this is a lovely stress free environment for them to learn to enjoy this too and so be able to support other students in the future." - Tracey Haigh, Post 16 and Careers Leader

Our thanks go out to Tracey for being brave enough to be our first school and for all her helpful input.

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