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About Us

Meet the Founders

Briars Field is the brain child of Alex Turner, a retired special needs teacher, for whom this is a passion project: turning the two acre field into an outdoor learning /nature/peaceful environment for SEN children of all ages.

Alex’s work, over the last eleven years with all levels of SEN need, has shown her that these children and their families often have more restricted access than some to outdoors and nature in a safe way.

Some children never get to experience listening for bird song, looking for bugs, digging earth, playing with natural wood either in school or within family life.


Bruce Turner, husband and financial backer so far, is an IT Project manager in the house building industry. For years Bruce has been a kind - but - poor as a result horsey dad. Bruce joins with Alex in wanting to offer the field out for use so others can enjoy it. 

Meet the Management Committee

Alex Turner

Alex has a background in Special Educational Needs Teaching and a lifetime experience in the horse world and the outdoors which has led her to want to bring the two together creating Briars Field for the benefit of SEN children. As of December 2023 Alex has achieved her Level 3 Certificate for Forest School Leaders.


Bruce Turner

Bruce has the dubious fortune in being married to Alex and has been a fully qualified accountant and impoverished horse Dad for years. Bruce brings his project management skills and belief in the therapeutic effects of pony contact time to Briars Field.


Caroline Shrubb

Caroline is a qualified accountant with 15 years of experience working with the not-for-profit sector. Caroline also has an interest in all aspect’s equine and the belief that outdoor activities for children with special needs enhances their lives.


Laura Strutt

Laura is an equine professional and brings years of expertise working  with young people with and without SEN after years as a Guiding leader. Laura has BHS qualifications in equine welfare and management.


Sally Wilkinson Pinto 

Sally is a professional SEN practitioner in a local mainstream primary school and is a lifetime horse owner. Sally has a particular interest in challenging behaviour and ACEs. As mum to an autistic boy Sally brings a particular understanding of children and young people with autism.


Meet the ponies

Meet Annie and Fudge Turner. The shetland ponies  are Bruce’s special interest. The first time he has had ponies to call his own! He takes them for daily walks which helps all of their waistlines.

The therapy ponies can be used for fun, petting and taking for walks but also for relaxation and confidence therapy.

How it all started...



The Turner family bought the field back in 2007 from Andy Baldry - a local horsey legend who owned Langshot Equestrian Centre many, many years ago!

Briars Field, Gracious Pond Road, Chobham, GU24 8HJ

©2024 by Briars Field Forest School

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